tirsdag den 28. februar 2012

Releasing 12 6th grade pupils onto our server... :-)

The screenshot below shows the first try to release the 12 pupils onto our server... Mikkel says it went great... even though I had trouble getting them to stand still... :-P

søndag den 26. februar 2012

Why the pupil lots are vital to ensure success...

When introducing video games in the classroom there is a thin red line between using the fascination and taking advantage of it. If we think we can transfer the spare time game experience to the classroom, we have a hard task ahead. Instead we have to be realistic about what can be transferred – we cannot expect that the pupil has fun all the time, but I think that most of the time can be achieved… :-)

And here is where the pupil lots come in. We have come up with an idea where pupils have a personal lot (25 x 25 blocks/meters), where they, and only they, can build whatever they want. This will keep a touch of play in the learning environment and motivate the pupil to finish more assignments, why?

Because when the pupil finishes an assignment it will get an achievement. This achievement could be 20 blocks of clay - it is important that the pupil has multiple things to choose from (so that it can expand its lot as it want)… it would be demotivating to get 20 blocks of clay if your house is made from pink wool… :-)

When it comes to privacy and permissions, we first thought that an “everybody can build and destroy” was a good social lesson, but now we want to keep it a bit less “free”. We are currently seeking to only make the server accessible to our Minecraft accounts (white list) and to make the pupil lots private, so that the lot-owner is the only one who can build/destroy on the lot. The pupils are not allowed to edit the area outside the lots (disallow blocks).

lørdag den 25. februar 2012

Show and tell - part 2 (pupil lots)

***Tror måske vi begynder at skrive på engelsk, da vi gerne vil have at disse erfaringer bliver internationale!
Hvis du har svært ved at læse engelsk, kan du med fordel installere Internet Browseren Chrome, som giver mulighed for oversættelse af hjemmesider!***

Well we came a bit further since the last time!
In this show and tell we have two pupils to help us complete the pupil-lots. Below the video, you can read some info (in the video i mention the pupil-lots as properties... my bad.. :-) ).
  • Lots were 25 x 25 blocks/meters
  • Allow build blocks were put in layer x55 (approx. 10 layers below water level)
  • Pupil-lots were bordered up with fences with a hole in every side to allow entrance
  • To "claim" a property a pupil has to remove the sign and tell/show the teacher.
  • As mentioned before, the lot-area is an island surrounded by "pupils-can't-cross" blocks.
  • On the signs there is a text with the "lot number" and a small description.
Thats all for now... when I left there were still one pupil crafting... and that on a Saturday afternoon/night :-)

tirsdag den 21. februar 2012

Show and tell part 1

Jeg tænkte jeg lige ville vise lidt af det vi har lavet i dag (initieringsfase, før eleverne får det).. Videoen er fortalt på engelsk da jeg tænkte det ramte lidt bredere.. håber I bærer over med mig ;-)

Så kører det... næsten :-)

Så er vi ved at være igang..
  • Vi har fået lov af kommunen til at have en server på netværket (og fået åbnet et hul i netværket så vi kan tilgå serveren fra såvel indersiden som ydersiden af Vejle kommunes netværk).
  • Vi har købt 25 Minecraft licenser
  • Samt et klassesæt af MinecraftEDU
  • Vi har leget lidt i Minecraft (Mikkel, Thomas og de tre elever)
  • Fået slettet vores server to gange (så alt skulle laves forfra) :-/
Nu hvor alle er ved at være inde i spillet, skal vi begynde at lave nogle koordinerede opgaver og forløb, så vi kan komme igang med at teste det hele... Det bliver meget spændende....

Der er flere forløb på tegnebrættet... matematik, Natur/teknik og kreative forløb....

fredag den 3. februar 2012

Minecraft i Vejle kommune

På opfordring af tre drenge fra sjette klasse, har Vejle kommune nu initieret et projekt som undersøger hvordan computerspil kan benyttes i undervisningen.
Til initieringsmødet var alle parter repræsenteret (skoleledelse, lærer, kommunen og selvfølgelig de tre drenge) og drengene havde forberedt sig til tænderne. Ikke nok med at de var engageret, de havde også forberedt "lektie-baner" og andre spilscenarier til at illustrere deres tanker omkring brugen af spillet.
På et senere tidspunkt kan vi måske introducere forskere til at lave en reel undersøgelse (skolelederen har vidst kontakten).