To do list

On this page we will make a list of what would be nice to have in MinecraftEDU:

  • Easier way to open the server with the latest map after shut down. (Our server has been deleted two times because it is way to un-intuitive how the save/reopen system works. Why not just have one choice where the map saves automatically and then you open the saved map again?
  • Individual spawn blocks (ex. stand on this spawn-block and get spawned directly to your lot).
  • Group spawn blocks (ex. 6th grade group can only use this spawn block to go to the 6th grade math area) 
  • Easier ways to edit permissions... ex. user X can only build and destroy on lot X.. user Y can only build and destroy on lot Y etc.
    Lots are great to motivate pupils to complete assignments and to give them a "illusion" that its still a game and that fun is good :-)
  • Easier way to password protect the server.
  • Password protect a user name.
  • Easier way to enable "white list" on server to only allow specific users onto the server.
  • Minecraft stuff: Group accounts so that one master user can control a bunch of pupil accounts (and also easily edit passwords on all the users when the Minecraft accounts are moved to other pupils at the school).
  • Easier ways to get achievements. Ex. one user can only 1 block from a defined dispenser... or one user can only get 20 clay from a defined dispenser. Or a user can choose from ex. 3 different achievements (ex. 1. 20x clay, 2. 20x wool or 3. 5 x sticky pistons).
    Achievements are good to motivate pupils to finish assignments (in school and by themselves).
  • A currency system where slime could be used to pay for blocks.
  • Enable talk. When pupils work outside the classroom they need a talk choice (now they use Skype, which is a good alternative. But in the perfect world, an implemented talk client would be to prefer.
  • A way to take a screenshot and sending it to a specific e-mail address (when completing a math assignment.
  • "Build" animals like blocks. In science we would love to show how agriculture works.. But to be able to control them are vital so that they start with two pigs and 1 cow...

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